Embrace Agency: How to Own Your Power and Make Decisions

In an article about embrace agency, this is a photo of a person standing up with their arm and fist in the air.

Number One: We have agency. Even though we were born into systems, systems passed along to us. We are in deep compliance. We comply. You can change that. Embrace agency.

You have agency. Especially if asked to do something unkind or out of your integrity.

What is agency?

It means you have the power and autonomy to make decisions and take control. It means you’re empowered, responsible, assertive, and aware that you have options, morals, and ethics. These are all attributes you already have. You might just need to work on some of them.

Number Two: Our actions radiate out into the world. Whether we smile at somebody, yell at somebody, or be honest, our actions have consequences. If you pick up one end of the stick, pick up the other. If you choose to take a specific action, you must prepare to deal with everything that comes with it.

Number Three: Don’t confuse a government with the people of that country. Don’t confuse government actions with the innocent civilians of that country. Don’t hate the people. Hate the government’s actions.

Number Four: Real leaders don’t need to cheat, lie, or bully to win. That should go without saying. But if you’re a natural leader, you don’t care if people talk bad about you. It rolls off your back.

You don’t need to lie, cheat, or bully. You already have good ideas, and your presence motivates people. So, if you’re not a good leader or feel like you lack those qualities, now’s the time to start learning those qualities.

Number Five: We’re divided into our different news sources. This is becoming increasingly evident when you have heated discussions with people. We are all operating on entirely different sets of facts. When your political opponent seems nuts or unhinged, know they might be working off a completely different set of facts.

Embrace agency.