Republican Politicians: What They Are Doing To The American People

Photo of an elephant on a page about Republican politicians.

Republican Politicians. Being a member of the Republican Party in the United States typically means that you align with the party’s platform and principles, which traditionally include a belief in:

  1. Economic conservatism: Republicans generally favor a free-market economy with fewer regulations, lower taxes, and limited government intervention for the rich and companies. They believe businesses and wealthy individuals can thrive when given more economic freedom.
  2. Limited government: Many Republicans advocate for a smaller government with less regulation and fewer social programs, believing that many issues should be handled at the state level rather than the federal level.
  3. National defense and security: Republicans often prioritize strong national defense and military spending. They typically favor policies that take a firm stance on national security and law enforcement.
  4. Social conservatism: Some Republicans hold traditional views on social issues, often influenced by religious beliefs. This could include opposition to abortion, resistance to some LGBTQ+ rights, or skepticism toward efforts to prioritize diversity and inclusivity.
  5. Property rights and individual liberties: Republicans often emphasize protecting individual and property rights, and they may oppose regulations that they see as infringing upon these rights.
  6. Immigration: Many Republicans support stricter immigration policies, believing it’s important for national security and economic stability.

Being a member of the Republican Party often involves registering as a Republican to vote in primary elections, donating time or money to Republican candidates or causes, and possibly running for office as a Republican.

However, just as with the Democratic Party, there is a wide range of political beliefs within the Republican Party, and not all Republicans agree on all issues.

The party includes moderate Republicans, libertarian-leaning Republicans, and more socially conservative Republicans, and their views can differ significantly on various issues.

Purpose Of This Page

I will try and categorize each story under a heading that fits The Seven Moutain Mandate that white Christian evangelical nationalists are implementing worldwide.

If I list a story about a bill that passed or did not pass, it’s the intention that a horrific bill was introduced. The damage has been done just by introducing these bills that also count against Republican politicians and what they are trying to do to destroy and degrade America.

In addition, if you have any stories with headlines and links, email them to me at, and I’ll put them on this page.

I will also slowly trickle out names and photos since even though collectively, it’s the Republican politicians doing this, there’s always one person signing the bottom line.

Please promote this page everywhere, not to my advantage, but for those who don’t have time to investigate what’s happening. This page does that for them.

Republican Politicians Are Destroying America

To destroy YOU, the American people, and degrade America as well as their character, here is what Republican politicians are doing to accomplish that.

Republican politicians are taking your rights away.

They are doing this with the backing of wealthy, white evangelical culture-Christian nationalists. Culture-Christians use the words “God,” “Christian,” and “Christianity” to sound good but do not practice Christianity. Even if they say they do.

These actions affect everyone’s families, including theirs, whether Republican, Democrat, or Independent.


In 2023, Republicans are trying to change the language. They are doing this because most Americans do not want abortion bans.

No matter what language they use, abortion is used in many scenarios and is a decision between a woman and her doctor. That is what everyone should support.

Instead of using the words “Abortion ban,” they are using words like restriction, consensus, and standard. But these are all abortion bans. Even if they say, they don’t support a national abortion ban. They are lying.

To get an answer from them on abortion bans, ask them if they support any national legislation or any federal restrictions.

Banning Books






  • 3/1/2023: Tennessee house republican Dennis Powers introduced a death-by-firing squad bill, which house republican Paul Sherrell wants to add an amendment to the bill for death-by-lynching, hanging from a tree.
  • 2/29/2024: Louisiana expands death penalty, ends parole as Louisiana’s Republican Governor Jeff Landry’s crime session ends. Black people are the most incarcerated yet the most exonerated. This is what happens when you vote for Republicans, a majority of white men trying to take away the rights of marginalized communities using the legislative process.




  • 7/9/2023: GOP states quit the program that fights voter fraud. Now they’re scrambling.