The following is an age-appropriate explanation for kids who are at that point of asking, “Is Santa real? We just saw Santa at the grocery store and now at the mall, and doesn’t look the same.” It’s best to discuss this without younger folks around who still believe in Santa.
Every culture has its own Santa. Santa is a culmination of people that spread goodwill and cheer during the holiday season. Simple acts of kindness, great and magical, that we continue to uphold through this idea we call Santa.
During the buying, wrapping, and giving of gifts, the presence of Santa is in the background working its magic.
Santa is the one that is on our minds during the year telling us to make the best choices and do the right thing, whether it’s being kind to somebody or telling the truth, or standing up for others.
While Santa is not a tangible person that comes down the chimney and gives you presents, Santa is a spirit. It’s a belief in doing good for others.
Happy Holidays!