If you’re a member of the media, please step up your game. Hold our republican governors accountable for the many lies about what’s going on in America.
For example, if you’re a member of the media, ask republican governors if they believe in American exceptionalism. Because they are talking and writing about it.
American Exceptionalism is a belief that America is not only the greatest country in the world but the greatest country that’s ever been.
So if you’re a member of the media, ask republican governors, do they think history teachers are supposed to teach their students that America is great? Is that the job of history teachers? And then ask them, isn’t that indoctrination?
Hold republican governors accountable. Republican governors in America have been telling the lie that teachers are trying to indoctrinate our students. That teachers are trying to teach them to hate America.
The irony of course is that at its core American exceptionalism is indoctrination.
It’s not a history teacher’s job to have students come to conclusions that teachers agree with. It’s their job to engage students in an examination of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
At no point do teachers say, “Okay students, we’re going to examine a really dark chapter in our history”. Or teachers don’t say, “Okay students, we’re coming up on a rosy chapter in our history.” That’s not their job.
If you’re a member of the media, hold republican governors accountable and ask them if teachers should be teaching the governor’s belief in American exceptionalism.
A history teacher’s job is not to indoctrinate. It’s simply to help students learn lessons from the past that hopefully will result in them becoming not only great citizens but great parents and guardians as well.
Members of the media, thank you for what you do. But with all due respect, it’s time for you to hold republican governors accountable for the atrocious bills they are introducing in this country.