One of the myths that people say is, “The right is turning to fascism”. However, it’s not the right that’s changing, it’s everyone else who is changing.
When we look at our history from a multicultural perspective, we understand that America has been an authoritarian country all along. If not a fascist country since its beginning, at least large parts of it.
When we start to understand what the North and South have always known, we begin to realize that it’s not the people that we now call fascists that are changing.
Americans are now rejecting this shadow fascism and shadow authoritarianism that’s always existed. Shadowed by the speaking of liberty and freedom and justice for all. Liberty, freedom, and justice were never true for a large part of non-white Americans. And never true for poor white Americans either.
And so this myth that we’re turning towards fascism, is wrong. We’re turning away. towards it.
The forces of authoritarianism are now showing themselves for who they’ve always been. In a more shocking fashion. But they’ve always been that way.
They’re not turning to fascism. They are coming into and displaying their authentic selves. The people we call fascists.
As we make space at the multicultural table, the people who have controlled the table are saying, “No, no, no. We are going to show you who we really are. Who we always have been.”
It’s multiculturalism that is the change. And they don’t like it.