The Impact Of A Teacher

When I was a budding drummer in my teens, I had a handful of teachers who made a big impact on me. First Impact – Mr. Johnson In 1972, as part of the music program at Rockbrook Elementary School in…

What Dr. King’s Dream Looks Like Economically

Here are excerpts from Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches outlining what his dream would look like economically. It’s much easier to integrate a lunch counter than it is to guarantee a livable income and a good, solid job. It’s much…

We’re a Culture Drunk On Faith Over Reason

Until we can take religion off the no-talk list, we’re going to continue to have issues. The role of religion is playing out in politics today. Remember the role of religion and what happened in Germany? The role of religion…

Are We A Country That Fights FOR Racism?

Are we a country that fights FOR racism with more ferocity than we fight against racism? We’re a country that sends police officers to block black people from crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge. We’re a country where in 2022, police…

Have You Had To Have The Talk?

Excerpts from President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Tyre Nichols. Public safety depends on public trust, but too often that trust is violated. As many of you personally know, there are no words to describe the heartache…


This happened last week. The REPUBLICAN majority in the Mississippi State House killed every single Medicaid expansion bill without even debating it. These are bills that would’ve provided healthcare primarily to the working poor. 80% of Mississippians favor Medicaid expansion,…

Commit To Always Telling The Full Story

What Happened Leading up to January 6th, 2021, Donald Trump incited fellow Americans to carry out an insurrection attempt to overturn the results of our presidential election. And for the rest of our lives, we have to commit to doing…

What Politics Should Be And How To Fix It

Politics and Politicians They are not beholden to their constituents, they are beholden to the money that backs them. And that money is increasingly from small groups of right-wing billionaires supporting republican lawmakers. Politics has become a reality TV show.…

We Don’t Die, We Multiply

Here’s a powerful speech given by U.S. House Representation Jamaal Bowman in response to the college board stripping down its A.P. curriculum for African-American studies. Here’s the transcript of the speech: “Black history is American history and I wanna speak…

It’s Up To Us To Hold The Line

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. –Wikipedia In America, the furthest left we can comfortably talk about in public is socialism. Globally, there’s a lot further to the left we…