Moms for Liberty recently tweeted, “Health care has no place in public schools.” This is just another step for them to try and destroy public schools using public school health care services.
Here’s what health care looks like in public schools. Healthcare services have always been around in public education. Here are just some of them:
- First aid
- Vision checks
- Hearing checks
- Speech Therapy
- Allergy and asthma
- Epilepsy management
- Occupational Therapy
- Growth and development screenings
- Disability Services and Accommodations
- Abuse monitoring, reporting, and counseling
- Blood sugar testing and insulin administration
- Communicable disease intervention and prevention
- Schools can provide CPR in cases of life-threatening emergencies.
- Medication administration to students who are medically compromised
The list is long.
Moms for Liberty: Kids Don’t Matter
So why is Moms for Liberty who is so worried about our poor children and maintaining their innocence and protecting them? Why is this organization now saying kids don’t matter?
We know why. It’s part of a larger coordinated effort to destroy public education and do away with it. This will force people into private or homeschooling and divert public money, your taxes, to flow into the private schools. Making money for billionaires and allowing them to control the school agenda, what your kid learns, and who gets to learn.
This is the same organization that’s petrified of things like books and drag queens, and teachers. This is the same organization that says those things are dangerous and yet wants to pull health care out of our public schools.
Teachers don’t always teach just the ABCs and one, two threes in schools. But in some schools, teachers have to change diapers. Teachers have to tend to the menstrual cycle needs of young students. Teachers have to deal with feeding tubes and making sure that children aren’t hungry. School is not just ABCs and one, two threes.
Should We Let Children Go Hungry?
Has anyone in Moms for Liberty leadership ever taken a psychology class? Even a high school-level psychology class where they talk about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It’s this lovely triangle, and at the top is where you can learn and better yourself and become this wonderful human being. But at the bottom of the triangle, we have shelter, food, and water safety. Those things must be in place before those things at the top of the triangle can happen.

So why are we taking away services that could help these students succeed? What kind of cold and calculating group of moms would do that? It’s beyond me. I don’t understand why we would remove these resources. I don’t understand why anybody would want to do that.
If Moms for Liberty want to create an environment where students don’t matter and you don’t appreciate the things that teachers do, do that in a private school. Stop poisoning our public schools. Our public schools are necessary. We need them. We need them for our students. We need them for our teachers. We don’t want that in our communities. We refuse to allow our children to suffer.
Public School Parents Care About Our Students
Everyone should be horrified by what Moms for Liberty is doing to our children and what they want to do. They should be horrified by the money behind this group and the people trying to destroy public education. Those people must be outed publicly for what they try to do to our public schools. The foundation of democracy is public schools.
Everyone should be angry. You should be livid that people are doing this. That our most vulnerable students are being taken advantage of.
Take your anger and do three things:
- Email your school board. Tell them you’ll not tolerate limiting health care services. Our public schools don’t support the agenda of Moms for Liberty.
- Attend school board meetings when you can.
- Find organizations in your community that are doing the work, already the boots on the ground.
Organizations like Stop Moms for Liberty. We want to stop Moms for Liberty. I bet there’s a chapter in your community, your state, and they are pushing back. They are the boots on the ground.
They’re paying attention to this. They’re paying attention to Moms for Liberty and this agenda that they’re pushing. And they said enough is enough.
Now I know what you’re going to say. I’m super busy. I’ve got kids, and I work. Yeah, so does everyone else. And that’s why the saying, “Many hands make light work.”
If we all come together, contribute, fight back, and push back, we can push back against this machine. And that’s what Moms For Liberty is, is a machine. And this machine wants to take away public education.
If you believe in public education, you’re a product of it and want to fight for it. It’s time to get up and fight back. Say no to Moms for Liberty.