The Republican Party: People Will Believe Anything

Photo of a signed that says brainwashed in an article about the Republican Party.

Today’s Republican Party is no longer a viable political movement in our country. They have become a criminal organization filled with domestic terrorists. I’m including their conservative, evangelical, cultural Christian billionaire backers in this, too, since they are the real culprits pulling the puppet strings of the Republican politicians themselves. The Republican politicians are doing the bidding.

As a reminder, in the 2020 election, over 70 million of our fellow citizens voted for Donald Trump. A president who tried to overturn the election and incite an insurrection that imprisoned the citizens who supported him. All while enjoying and continuing to enjoy the freedom of playing golf.

They Took An Oath

It’s one thing to have a group of people who are so gullible and easily manipulated that they believe anything they’re told. It’s another to have elected officials who took an oath to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But now, not only have they dishonored their oath, they are the domestic enemies that they swore to protect the rest of us against.

The Republican party is anti-democracy, anti-American, and anti-Constitution. They do not deserve the freedoms and protections, and rights granted the rest of us under the Constitution. They want to do everything in their power to take those rights away from everyone who disagrees or looks like them.

The Right To Vote

The foundational principle of our democracy is our right to vote. In 45 of the 50 states we have currently, there is Republican-led legislation attempting to suppress the vote.

No voting for the 2024 presidential elections should be taking place until all voting suppression is undone. The Republican Party cannot win elections fairly. Their policies are so horrendous and unpopular that they must now cheat. And they know that.