There’s a perceived immigration problem at one border. Not the border above the U.S. where people are trying to get over here because of the superior health care system (sarcasm). It’s down there at that other border. The artificial border created as the outcome of a war. Which was a war of aggression started on false pretenses by the United States.
So really, folks are coming home. And their families were here a long time before the vast majority of ours, yet we tell them they don’t belong.
The Narrative That’s Being Told
The reason this is even possible, though, is because of the narrative we’ve told about how people of European descent got here. Black people know how they go here. Asian folks know how they got here. People were brought over, particularly Chinese folks, to work the railroads. Indigenous people know how they got here too.
But white folks have told the fiction. White folk’s story has been this, our people came for liberty and freedom. We came for principles. While white folks say, those other people are coming only for our stuff. That’s what we say in so many words. But we came for principles, right? Those other people are coming for the stuff we offer.
Liberty and Freedom
Let’s clear that up. We did not come for liberty and freedom. No. If we had come for liberty and freedom, we would have established liberty and freedom.
White folks spent much time in the colonies trying to figure out who was the bigger witch. It wasn’t like one big happy white family. It was more like, you’re not a good enough christian, I’m going to drown you because you’re a warlock. That was, in a nutshell, the colonial experience. We didn’t establish liberty and freedom, even between white folks.
Let’s be honest, white folks came for stuff. We came for stuff like opportunity, land, and the ability to survive because things weren’t working back home. We need to be honest about why we left Europe.
Republican politicians say Mexico is not sending its best. Okay, do you think England sent their best?