All the news isn’t bad. Let’s review some great news that happened in April 2023.
The links below are to Jessica Craven’s excellent newsletter Chop Wood, Carry Water where she lists all the good things that are happening in the world of politics and the results of political activism.
The newsletter offers practical small-sized tasks that anyone can do to help save democracy. They’re not only for people who are heavily involved with political activism but also for the worker-bee who has to work all day in a job that has nothing to do with activism.
Check the good news under the title “Celebrate This!” in her newsletter. It will help keep your head on straight so it doesn’t get stuck in all the bad political news republicans and their billionaire backers seem to love bringing to the world.
4/30/2023 Extra! Extra! Celebrate This!
4/23/2023 Extra! Extra! Celebrate This!
4/16/2023 Extra! Extra! Celebrate This!
4/9/2023 Extra! Extra! Celebrate This!
4/2/2023 Extra! Extra! Celebrate This!
Share the victories and keep taking action to make more.