Are you a socialist?
How do you feel about public schools? How do you feel about the postal service? How do you feel about police and fire departments? How do you feel about Medicare? How do you feel about Medicaid? How do you feel about social security?
All of those are socialism, and we have them in the United States. A lot of people who throw around the label of socialism, don’t know what it is, but they actually believe in it. Because if you believe in public schools, that’s socialism.
What is socialism? It simply means when the government takes control of part or all the economy, that’s it.
There are many different kinds of socialism. The socialism that was in the Soviet Union, not so effective. But the socialism that’s in Sweden, democratic socialism, incredibly effective.
Everyone benefits. It’s all about the greater good. It’s all about the social contract.
The next time somebody calls you a socialist, don’t argue with them. Just ask them how they feel about police and fire departments. If your house is burning, do you want the fire department to come and put it out? You pay tax dollars, you benefit. Socialism is simple. It’s in our economy. Capitalism is a major part of our economy, but so is socialism.
Embrace socialism. It doesn’t mean you have to call yourself a socialist. But checking your mail every day, that’s socialism.