Here are resources to help you get started in activism. I also call it micro-activism for people who are working full-time, raising a family and just don’t feel like they have the time to get involved. But you can and you must, for the sake of democracy in the United States which affects all of us. With smartphones, it makes it a lot easier. Think of politics as problem-solving, that’s all it is, and it needs our input.
Find your senators here: Put their contact information in your phone so you have the ability to contact them at any time.
Find your house representatives here: Put their contact information in your phone so you have the ability to contact them at any time.
Put the White House contact information in your phone as well. Here is The White House Contact Us page:
Subscribe to Jessica Craven’s newsletter Chop Wood, Carry Water. This newsletter gives you daily actions you can take to make an impact.
Know Who’s Running For Your School Boards
Here is my Linktree-type page with more up-to-date actions: