“To our knowledge, this is the biggest faith-related campaign in history.” And that, is the misguided focus of the Jesus ad run during the 2023 Super Bowl.
White evangelical Christian groups are behind the commercial. The same groups that are trying to eliminate our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters. The same groups are trying to take away women’s rights. The same groups are trying to ban abortion. The same groups that are trying to teach our children a white-washed history, and not all history.
Christianity in America today is about encroaching on the rights of people to exist. The rights of people who are marginalized. It’s millions of dollars being spent on stopping people from living the lives they want to live.
Look at any of the horrible republican legislation today. There are white evangelical Christian groups backing it. It has nothing to do with helping people. It has everything to do with controlling people. They are using the word Christianity in name only. Their actions have nothing to do with the practice of Christianity.
Christianity represented through a series of churches and organizations that exist tax-free. The money they make through tithing should go back to the community. That’s what you should be advertising. Real problems that are being solved for people in a big way.
These groups should be using their wealth to help others who need help. This is written in “THE BOOK”, that they’re trying to shove down everyone’s throats.
The examples of hate between people in the commercial are not what it’s about. The hate is coming from these groups. The white evangelical Christian groups. The Republican lawmakers. The billionaire backers. Stop the hate spewing from these groups, and America could be great. Some Americans might even start going back to church. But the damage has been done. The more you lock down people’s lives, the more hate you will receive.
You already know what the complaint is. You already know why everyone is angry with the church. You already know that people see white evangelical Christians as hypocrites.
People inherently love each other. No need to try and tell us through a Jesus ad.
If you have reason to believe a church has violated separation of church and state, you can report it to the IRS.
“Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law. In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty.”
Thomas Jefferson