Christian nationalism. Discussing the word Christian, Christianity, or any other religion for that matter, makes a lot of people uncomfortable.
Why? Because many people feel that it’s critical of Christianity itself. This can apply to other religions as well. Any religious criticism, in some people’s belief system, is wrong. Also known as, blind faith.
But here’s the deal, we’re not talking about faith, we’re talking about the misuse of religion.
If you’re a Christian and you’re feeling a little defensive, understand that this isn’t about all Christians.
This is about the ones who twist faith for political gain.
These people are the front-end Republican politicians and talking heads we hear on the radio and see on TV, who use the words Christian and Christianity to hide behind their agendas to make their agendas unquestionable, because of the use or in this case misuse of the words Christian and Christianity.
So if you’re more bothered by your religion being mentioned critically than about how it’s being used to undermine our democracy, then you really need to ask yourself, why is the discomfort of criticism more threatening than the real tangible damage being done in the name of religion?
Are you willing to face the uncomfortable truth, that your religion is being used for political purposes?
We’re talking about white Christian nationalism. We’re talking about religious manipulation. We’re talking about the corruption of faith for political gain.
So let’s start speaking plainly about it.
Engage your friends, and challenge your community. Silence is not going to save our democracy. Together we can address these issues and protect the values that truly make our country great, which are freedom, justice, and equality for all.
But we can’t do that if we’re not actually speaking about the threat, plainly.