Category Christian Nationalism

How To Hate Extreme Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalism is a political ideology. It’s a political ideology that has hijacked all of the language and symbols of Christianity yet somehow has absolutely nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ. They believe this is a Christian…

Who’s Behind All This Horrible Legislation?

For decades, christian nationalist groups have been unknown. They are behind some of the horrible republican bills sweeping America. Conservative federal judge Matthew Joseph Kacsmaryk in Texas single-handedly ruled a national ban on the abortion pill Mifepristone. One 40+-year-old white…

5 Books On Christian Nationalism

Here are five books to help you better understand christian nationalism and school privatization. There are no links if you click on any of these books. To purchase, consider alternatives to Amazon and Audible. Also, consider ordering from bookstores owned by people of color.…

Top Christian Nationalists Shaping Society

The theology for christian nationalism is dominion theology. This theology states that a nation should be run by christians, specifically white able-bodied cisgender christian males. These churches brand themselves as the modern church. They have rock bands, smoke machines, pastors…

The People Behind The Politicians

Here’s some information that will make your head spin. The folks behind the horrendous bills that are anti-LGBTQ+, anti-women, and anti-BIPOC, are the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). But the mob boss of it all is the Council for National Policy…

The Seven Mountains Mandate

Okay folks, buckle up and put your tin foil hats on. What are the Seven Mountains? The Seven Mountains Mandate is part of Dominionism. What is Dominionism? From Wikipedia: “Dominion theology, also known as dominionism, is a group of Christian…