Critical Thinking: The Weapon Of The Free Mind

Image of followers to one leader in an article about critical thinking.

Christian nationalists believe critical thinking threatens their beliefs, so they are working to indoctrinate children with a Christian nationalist worldview.

We see what is happening in Florida with new education bills. We see what is happening in Texas with the detention camps inside of schools. We see what is happening with Moms for Liberty and school vouchers to divert public education money to private schools that everyone pays for through taxes whether they like to or not.

The Seven Mountains – Education

There’s a Christina leader in the Seven Mountain Mandate, and he speaks at Moms for Liberty. This is what the Proud Boys listen to. This is what the GOP listens to. The Federalist Society, SCOTUS, The Heritage Foundation, Focus on The Family, Family Research Council, massive networks, and lots of money. But education is what they’re talking about.

He tells other believers that critical thinking and reason are not okay. And you need to ensure your kids don’t think critically and reason. He goes on to say that if Israel back in that time had critical thinking and reason, they wouldn’t have trusted Moses to part the Red Sea with the staff and then proves the fact that they need to be able to program and brainwash children in their private schools and destroy public schooling. Because if they are taught reason and critical thinking, they will never follow. So it’s coercion. It’s indoctrination, and he admits it.

John Enlow on The Seven Mountain Mandate – Education:

Notes from the video:

You’ve been instructed, raised, and disciplined in this system. And so we have been trained to believe that critical thinking is the highest level of thinking. There is weigh the pros and cons. It’s how you go around. But weighing pros and cons is a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Pros and cons.

He’s saying critical thinking and reason is evil. He goes on:

Well, you get instructions. Man shall not live by bread alone. Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And he’ll tell you. Sometimes counterproductive things are counterintuitive, and sometimes they may be intuitive. Intuitive. But the wisdom that comes from above differs greatly from the wisdom we determine based on pros and cons. Just imagine, for instance, the children of Israel operating out of the mind of pros and cons, critical thinking wisdom.

Believing Misinformation

So there is your evidence on why some Christians overwhelmingly believe misinformation. And why they’re such an easy target for conspiracy theories. And why they believe Hunter Biden’s laptop and Jewish space lasers. And also why they don’t believe certain things, how they don’t believe in global warming.

He goes on:

Get into understanding the spiritual landscape. The enemy on this mountain is the Amorite. We’re connecting one of the enemy nations of the promised land, those that were called to be dispossessed. And this one’s the Amorite. And Amorite means to think or act high-mindedly. Humanism.

The entire point of them taking over the education system is that they admit that no one believes them anymore. And since critical thinking and rationality have taken over the evangelical church, they have learned that no amount of money, whether from big oil or buying SCOTUS, they see Generation Z and Generation A. And they knew this had started with Gen X.

The woke agenda for these people are people thinking rationally, critically, and independently. That’s the woke agenda. They think that if you are free and free to make your own decisions outside of some moral cage, the Bible gives you the moral cage that Republicans use. If you don’t believe in the Bible, then you can’t be moral, and you’re not patriotic and don’t care about the kids.

Most Christians Are Afraid

Most Christians are afraid that people are going to start thinking for themselves. For another example, many of us grew up with parents who did not want us to go to college. When we went home for college breaks, some parents would say, “See what happens to your thinking when you go to college?” Meaning you start thinking for yourself.

The Bible states very clearly and literally for The Seven Mountain Mandate believers.

2 Corinthians 10:5 Paul says:

Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

This verse is about destroying arguments and opinions that oppose the knowledge of God and then taking every thought captive to obey Christ. Captivity is not freedom.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

From another Seven Mountain Mandate leader:

We have been trained to believe that critical thinking is the highest level of thinking. There is weigh the pros and cons. It’s how you go around. But weighing pros and cons is a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Pros and cons, critical thinking. What he was offering was a tree of life. When you get instruction, man shall get instruction that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They are saying we’re only supposed to get instructions. That’s authoritarianism. And that’s their final goal. Who determines what God is saying? Who determines that? Donald Trump?

They must train and program them young to be indoctrinated to take authoritarianism. Most Christians fear that people will start thinking for themselves.