Democrats in Congress reintroduced in July 2023 what could be one of the most important bills of our lifetimes. It’s called the Freedom to Vote Act, and it would expand and standardize automatic voter registration and same-day voter registration.
It would combat right-wing voter suppression by standardizing early voting periods, expanding what counts as an eligible voter ID for states with suppressive voter ID laws, and prohibiting purging eligible voters from voting rolls.
But that’s not all. The Freedom to Vote Act would also reduce the influence of dark money in politics and establish criteria to help end gerrymandering.
That’s what makes this bill so important. It doesn’t just make voting more manageable and accessible for people now. It tackles the systems that disenfranchise American voters nationwide and strengthens voting rights.
Defending democracy has been the number one issue for the last several years. Please support this bill. Get involved and help pass the Freedom to Vote Act.
Make The Call
Call your House Representative (find yours here) and use the following script or something like it:
Hi, I’m a constituent from [zip]. My name is ______.
I want the Congressmember to oppose H.R. 4563, the ACE Act, which would restrict voting rights and reduce transparency of dark-money campaign donors, and support H.R. 11, the Freedom to Vote Act, to strengthen voting rights, end partisan gerrymandering, and reduce the influence of dark money on campaigns.
Do your part and help save democracy today. Thanks!
Here are some things being said about the Freedom to Vote Act from Amy Clobuchar’s website (D-MN), who helped introduce the legislation:
“The freedom to vote is fundamental to all of our freedoms, and as we continue to see unprecedented attacks on our democracy in states across the country, it is clear we must take action.
These attacks demand a federal response,” said Klobuchar.
“The Freedom to Vote Act will set basic national standards to make sure all Americans can cast their ballots in the way that works best for them, regardless of what zip code they live in.
This bill will ensure Americans can request a mail-in ballot and have access to drop boxes, have at least two weeks of early voting, and can register to vote on Election Day.”