People keep asking what can we do as authoritarianism and tyranny are creeping in and taking hold of America’s red states.
In his book, On Tyranny, Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder, there are 20 lessons that are pertinent to our time.
Here’s one thing you can do.
Do Not Obey in Advance
Snyder talks about anticipatory obedience, which is adapting and obeying quickly without reflection.
A lot of people do this already because how they grew up in an authoritarian-led family. It’s doing what authorities tell you to do without thinking about it first. Don’t do that. Instead, do these things:
- Ask questions; ask questions publicly in social media spaces to bring in as many people as you can; ask in groups of people that you are physically around on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.
- Push back; confront lawmakers; declare publically what is happening is not right.
- Stand up for those in marginalized communities; always fight for marginalized communities.
- Shine a light on legislative bullying; do this publically on social media and anywhere else people will listen and hear you.
- Make noise; consistently and constantly challenge any kind of authoritarian activity.
- Read history; to learn what happened and how you can help stop it.
History and Now
One example that is gaining traction today and that reminds me of what Snyder talks about in lesson one is, in 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union, the SS took the initiative to devise methods of mass killing without orders to do so.
When I think about this, I think about the rise of militia groups in the United States, that pose the same threat when they show up at school board meetings and LGBTQ+ events.
This includes Cop City in Atlanta, Florida’s own army, and Texas’ militia. These have the potential to be America’s SS equivalent, America’s authoritarian’s bodyguards, and ultimately America’s killers of American people, whether ordered or not.
The people in power and who have the money, sit back and watch what they can get away with, without even giving orders. Moving the Overton window one threat at a time.
Start Right Away
It is much easier to push back in the beginning, before these bills are codified into law.
Also, if you’re religious and you’re tempted to follow what your religious leader tells you to do, please remember that you have a brain, a heart, and a conscience. Use them. Courage is like a muscle. It gets stronger the more we use it.
One more thing we can do is publically thank the legislators and others who are standing up for our rights, even if they’re not in our state. We can shine a light on them, like the Governor of Minnesota, and what they are accomplishing there. Give them attention, give them a call, and say thank you.
Please don’t lose hope. We can do this.
To purchase On Tyranny, consider alternatives to Amazon and Audible. Also, consider ordering from bookstores owned by people of color.