How To Save America Starting With These 10 Steps

A photo of a sticky pad with the words to do in an article about how to save America.

After all the education, all the money, all the judges, and all the lawyers, we refuse to figure out and execute the steps on how to save America. So here are ten steps to get started.

  1. No more stock buybacks. Corporations can’t do it anymore.
  2. Tax stock gains. They don’t tax stock gains until they’re cashed out. Millionaires can take loans against stock and never cash them out. Living off the loans. Then, use money from stock portfolios to pay back the loans. Never having to pay taxes.
  3. Reverse Reagan economics. Bring back the 90% top tax rate.
  4. Take investing out of politics. Any politician would no longer be allowed to invest in the stock market. They can put their money into a fund and get double the inflation price, no more, no less.
  5. Politicians should be forced to retire at the age of 65. If you can collect Social Security, you can’t be a politician anymore.

Five More Ways How To Save America

  1. Implement a maximum wage. Not a minimum wage, a maximum wage. You cannot make more than 100 times your minimum employee.
  2. Unionize everything in America, from McDonald’s workers up. If UPS can make billions of dollars in profit and still be highly competitive in the market where they do 20 to 30% of all packages and still pay people $50 an hour to drive a truck, other companies can figure it out, too.
  3. If a company has one single employee filed for any sort of food stamps or housing or Medicare, the company has to pay that back to the government before they can make a profit. Walmart made $186 billion last year and had almost $600 million worth of social debt that our taxpayers paid for. Make Walmart pay that first before they can make a profit.
  4. Eliminate the electoral college. Only two presidents since the Civil War era have been elected by losing the popular vote. Donald Trump and George Bush. See a pattern? Joe Biden won by over two million votes, yet the election came down to 44 ,000 votes in three different states. Make them campaign to all of us, not just swing states.
  5. If you own a second home, you are not allowed to take depreciation, and you should be taxed on what your house gains in value as an investment. How do companies own 70 and 80 homes yet collect rental income and still show a loss?

There you go, how to save America with these first ten steps. Imagine where our world could be with these simple and easy changes.