The greatest threat to christian nationalism and a right-wing takeover is education. That’s why they’re trying to take it over.
When young people are presented with unbiased information and taught to think critically, it generally pushes them in the direction of democracy..
Hitler started rising to power because he chose to indoctrinate the youth. He knew that if he could get young people under his spell of propaganda, he would win.
Now let’s zoom out a bit. Right-wing news outlets have been pushing replacement theory for a while now, but it’s a dog whistle for racism and xenophobia.
Republicans think that Democrats are intentionally trying to bring in illegal immigrants because they know that those immigrants are potentially going to vote for democrats.
Replacement theory is happening, just not the way that the right-wing media thinks:
- If you shut down libraries or restrict access to books.
- If you can make the life of a teacher so unbearable that it constitutes a national crisis.
- If you can label your opposition as pedophiles and groomers, which the republican party and their white evangelical christian nationalists do constantly.
- If you criminalize autonomy (self-governing).
- If you go from parental rights to saying only certain parents should have rights.
Then yes, you can take over a country. You can subvert democracy, and you can institutionalize ignorance. This is why all people should be fighting back in a big and collective way.
We should always hold under the highest suspicion, people who are trying to gatekeep information. Those people are the republican party and their white evangelical christian nationalist backers.