Corporate Price Gouging: The Hidden Toll On Everyday Consumers

Why is everything so f-ing expensive? Spoiler alert: it’s corporate price gouging. Is corporate price gouging illegal? Yes, corporate price gouging is illegal, but the explanation for what it is and proving it is extremely unclear. Benefitting corporations. It’s also…

Tax The Billionaires: How To Fix Everything Now

Together, the wealthiest 10 Americans are worth $1.1 trillion dollars. Say we tax the billionaires at 95% of their assets. Let’s be generous, they earned it, right? That would give us about a trillion dollars to use towards solving America’s…

How To Save America: 20 Ways To Do It

Continuing from the article How To Save America Starting With These 10 Steps, here are 20 more ways to save America and make it a better place. Here we go: Ten More Ways How To Save America There you go,…

Racist Gerrymandering in Alabama: A Challenge to Fair Representation

Republicans nationwide are hell-bent on preventing black people from voting using racist gerrymandering. They’re also trying to prevent their black constituents in various states from being represented in Congress. Gerrymandering And The Black Vote Gerrymandering is the manipulation of electoral…

Freedom Of Information Act: A New Target For Republicans?

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law allowing the public to access government records. However, every state has its own FOIA, but could be named differently. Recently, Arkansas Governor Sanders called a special session to overhaul Arkansas’s…

War On Terror: Unmasking the Myth of Unity Post-9/11

On 9/11, we mourned the almost 3,000 Americans viciously ripped away from us by the hands of terrorists. Post-9/11, 22 years later, we’ve lost over 10,000 US soldiers. We’ve also lost over a million Iraqi and Afghan civilians who had…

Public Education: Advocating For Teachers And Quality Education

Seventy-six percent of parents and guardians across our country approve of their child’s public education. But only 36% of American adults say they’re satisfied with America’s K-12 public school system. What accounts for the gap? The answer is misinformation. Too…