Political Polarization In America: How To Combat It

Photo of two bisons ramming heads in an article about political polarization.

Why is there so much political polarization? Let’s run through some of the theories on this.


Both parties. But one party more than the other. Have increasingly used gerrymandering when drawing election maps. At the state and national level. Which amplifies the power of political extremes.


Since the Supreme Court struck down most limits on dark money and elections, corporations have been able to spend unlimited amounts of money influencing our elections.

And they usually do that by demonizing one side and inventing new culture war obsessions to distract you.

The Media

The media loves political conflict because it gives them something to dramatize—politics as reality TV.

The media environment is also massively fractured, so people no longer get the same basic information about what’s happening.

So you have some people who read three newspapers a day trying to converse with people who believe that lizard people controlled by George Soros will try to turn your dog gay. Or eat babies.


America is becoming a much more diverse country than it used to be.

Unfortunately, that has led a particular segment of white people to lose themselves completely. And those people are terrified of losing a basic social order that puts wealthy white men at the top of the heap.

They will do anything to stop or reverse those changes, even though that’s probably impossible.

All these theories are true and part of the story.

If you dislike political polarization, the way to combat it is not by opting out of politics entirely. That will make it worse for you and all of us.

Politics is part of life in a democracy. Whether you like it or not.

Instead, the answer is to do politics in a civilized way.

Don’t call people names. Don’t insult people. It’s hard not to because a lot of the worst political actors in our system do precisely that, and not doing it back feels like a weakness, but it’s not.

The best way to respond is to tell the truth and help win elections.