It’s a strange experience to wake up from propaganda. We are all going through and experiencing it in real time.
It’s an experience of waking up to the fact that you’ve been propagandized your whole life, and you’ve never questioned it. You didn’t realize that there was something fishy there. And then you find out there is.
A lot of people have woken up to the fact that the Palestinian people are being held in apartheid.
We thought that the Israelis were defending themselves against terrorists, Muslim extremists, who just always shot rockets at them for no reason other than hatred.
The Propaganda We’ve Been Fed Our Whole Lives
We’ve come to a time when no matter what is said about Israel, you are called anti-Semitic. The conversation gets shut down immediately.
It’s equivalent to Mormons calling everyone anti-Mormon. That guy is anti-Mormon; don’t listen to him. Satan’s trying to get you.
And so we see this whole narrative has a hidden and disgusting truth. And that truth is apartheid.
Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Organizations everywhere on earth have come out and said this is apartheid.
But those of us who are in the West, we don’t because that’s just anti-Mormon. Those people outside the U.S. are just wrong. And America is good. America is God’s country. We’re righteous, and we’re good.
We are all brainwashed into various forms of false narratives.
Patriotism Is Like That
Does your humanity not matter at all? Must you throw your morality aside and think about what’s good for my country, even if it’s slaughtering innocent children? Even if it’s genocide? Wiping out family lineages on purpose.
We are humans first.
We are waking up to learn and understand firsthand what propaganda is. What it feels like to think that you were on the good side. Then, to realize that you were the one imposing the apartheid and the crime against humanity.
It’s an awakening that happens.
Yes, people have had the awakening before, but the masses haven’t. That’s what we’re witnessing right now.
There’s a mass awakening happening right now.
Our technology connects us to the point where we feel familial ties with people on the other side of the globe.
And that is a social revolution that’s happening right now. Keep sharing and keep speaking out.