Republican Politicians Want To Protect Children, Right?

It’s great that republican politicians want to protect children. Well, not so fast.

Child Labor

So you ask republican politicians, you want to ban child labor, right?

Child Marriages

And so then you ask, well, republican politicians, you want to ban child marriages, right?

Children and Guns

And then you’re like, well, republican politicians, surely you want to ban children from carrying guns, right?

Universal Background Checks

And you’re like, well, we should have universal background checks to prevent mass shootings and school shootings, right? 

Corporal Punishment for Children

And then you’re like, well, at the very minimum, we can agree that corporal punishment of children with disabilities is bad and we should ban that, right? 

How Exactly Do Republican Politicians Want To Protect Children?

And so then you ask like, well, how exactly do republican politicians protect children? And they’re like, oh, it’s simple.

So there’s your “Christian” republican party, folks. Tens of millions of you voted for them. Why exactly? To OWN THE LIBS?

But there’s more behind the scenes. There’s more behind the front-end republican politicians. The back-end people are the wealthy white evangelical christian nationalist backers who are trying to turn the United States into a white-dominated christian nation only.

And I know what SOME of you might be thinking, what’s so bad about Christianity? The back-end people do not reflect Christian principles whatsoever. They reflect controlling people, authoritarianism, and fascism.