Supreme Court Term Limits: A New Era Of Justice

Photo of an empty roll of toilet paper that says, "Don't panic" in an article about Supreme Court term limits.

We need Supreme Court term limits. With this current court, there’s a looming sense of dread at the start of a new Supreme Court term.

It’s’ because we’re all wondering what rights they will take away from us this year.

One of the ways to fix the court is term limits. The United States is the only major democracy with no term or age limits on our highest court justices.

More than two-thirds of Americans favor term limits for Supreme Court justices, including half of Republicans.

While there are a few ways to strengthen our courts, term limits are probably the easiest.

Taking Action

Fortunately, a great organization called the Brennan Center is leading the charge. They have an amazing website to explain how this will work and why and how you can help (link below).

The Supreme Court is not meant to have this much power.

It’s out of control and taking our country in a direction it doesn’t want to go. Doing nothing is not an option.

Go to the Brennan Center’s It’s Time For Supreme Court Term Limits and sign up to join this fight.

Reminder: The many are more powerful than the money. But only if the many get organized.