Republicans are scrambling to rebrand the phrase pro-life. The rebrand? Pro-baby.
After reviewing some private polling, a super PAC showed that the pro-life phrase wasn’t doing the same thing for Republicans that it used to. That “Pro-Life” no longer resonated with voters.
Republican Senator Todd Young of Indiana suggested that instead of using pro-life, he might use pro-baby to demonstrate his concern for babies.
The Effects of Republicans’ Pro-Baby Policies
Pro-baby is forcing 13-year-olds gr@ped in their front yard to bear the child they are impregnated with against their will.

It also means doing nothing to catch that gr@pist so that the 13-year-old and her family must move.
The Republican politicians in her state are so supportive that she had to have a GoFundMe to pay for diapers and food.
But it’s not just her. Republicans are trying to take food out of children’s mouths.
They’re working to strip 5 million participants out of WIC right now.
They’re threatening to shut the government down if they can’t have their cuts to fruits and vegetables for children.

They’re also trying to slash funding for public education. Because they’re pro-baby, right?

It also must be pro-baby to refuse to pass the extended child tax credit.
Millions of children have gone back into poverty since Republicans blocked it.
And we just learned that because of Republicans, child poverty has doubled. Pro-baby.

Pro-baby must also mean pro-kids being shot because even though eight children are shot daily, some are killed from accidental shootings.
Republicans won’t even co-sponsor a common sense safe storage bill.

It goes on and on like that.
Republican policies are demonstrably harmful to American children!
Instead of rebranding to another phrase that doesn’t describe what they do, Republicans should have the courage to call themselves what they are. Pro-gr@pist, pro-poverty, pro-suffering, pro-control, and pro-power at any cost. But NOT pro-baby.