The Dark Side Of The Electoral College

A map of the electoral college votes in the united states.

The Electoral College is racist. And that should be no surprise to anyone who knows the actual history of our country.

When the Founding Fathers of the United States thought about how to pick the President, they suggested that everyone should vote for the President, and the person who gets the most votes would become President. This is known as the popular vote.

However, they nixed that idea because it would be too much democracy. They thought a popular vote wouldn’t work because Southern states believed it would be unfair. Why? Because one-third of their population consisted of enslaved people. And you know what enslaved people couldn’t do back then? Vote.

The Southerners felt this was unfair because they had fewer people to vote, so they wouldn’t really have a say in the presidency. This led to the idea of an Electoral College where each state would have a certain number of delegates based on their population. That is why today, Texas, a huge state, has 38 electors, but Vermont, which has a less population, only has three.

What Is An Elector In The Electoral College?

An elector in the Electoral College is a person who is chosen to represent their state and cast a vote for the President and Vice President of the United States. The number of electors for each state is equal to the number of its representatives in Congress, which is based on the state’s population. When voters cast their ballots for President and Vice President, they are actually choosing a slate of electors who have pledged to support that particular candidate. The electors then meet after the election to officially cast their votes, which ultimately determines who will become the next President and Vice President.

Who Can Be An Elector In The Electoral College?

The qualifications for who can be an elector in the Electoral College are determined by each state’s laws. However, there are a few general requirements that must be met across all states. First, an elector cannot be a member of Congress or hold any other office of “Trust or Profit” under the United States. Second, an elector cannot have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to its enemies.

Beyond these requirements, each political party in a state usually selects its own slate of electors, often at the state party convention. The names of these electors are then printed on the ballot along with the candidates for President and Vice President. If the party’s candidates win the popular vote in the state, then its slate of electors will cast the electoral votes for those candidates in the Electoral College.

How To Find Out Who The Electors Are In Every State

Each state’s Secretary of State’s office is responsible for overseeing elections, including the Electoral College. You can check the website of the Secretary of State in each state to find information about the electors for that state.

Alternatively, you can check with the national political parties as they often publish lists of their electors for each state. You may also find information on the website of the National Archives and Records Administration, which maintains an official record of the Electoral College results.

However, it’s important to note that the identities of the electors are not usually revealed until after the election has taken place and the electors have cast their votes. So, you may have to wait until after the election to find out who the electors for each state are.

Okay Back To It

Remember that the Southern states had a third of their population as enslaved people who couldn’t vote. This is what led to The Three-Fifths Compromise, which is what allowed Southern states to count enslaved people in their population numbers, despite the fact that, again, enslaved people couldn’t vote.

This increased the number of Southern delegates by over 40%. The entire system was designed to empower white people and slave owners of the South, and it still does. So. Today. Where do the majority of black people currently live? The south. So when they vote, typically for a Democratic candidate in a Southern red state, their vote essentially is null because historically, the electoral votes in Southern states go to Republican candidates.

Both Bush and Trump lost the popular vote but had the most electoral votes and became president.

Do you know what presidents get to do? Appoint Supreme Court Justices. And between the two of them, they were able to appoint five conservative justices to the court.

Due to our electoral system, presidents who were not selected by the majority of Americans were able to assign five out of nine conservative justices that do not align with the majority of the American people to lifetime positions in the highest court of the land.

Seems a bit rigged.