The Importance of Secretary of State

In 2020, right Wing extremists refused to accept the outcome of the presidential election and did everything they could to overturn its results.

In 2021, they coordinated an assault on our democracy with the goal of reversing the election and keeping Trump in power.

In 2022, many of those same Republicans were candidates for Secretary of State in key states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada.

The results of these elections determine whether we have a free and fair election in 2024 or the most serious constitutional crisis since the Civil War.

Republicans know they can’t win legitimately with their extremist policies. So they’re doing everything they can to ensure only the votes they agree with will be counted.

Fortunately, in the November 6th, 2022 elections, republicans underperformed, and extremism was kept at bay.

iVote along with Onward Together saw the importance of winning the elections that will ultimately decide the future of our country, to elect secretaries of state who will protect the right of every eligible voter, Democrat, republican, or independent to have his or her vote counted.

Action Items:

One: Visit iVote and follow iVote on Twitter.

Two: Visit Onward Together and follow Onward Together on Twitter.

Three: Encourage the people in your life to support pro-democracy Secretary of State, candidates. The future of our democracy, as important as it is in every way, is critically important and at stake because secretaries of state, run elections.

To read more about the 2022 Secretary of State elections visit this 2022 article on Ballotpedia and read more about the importance of the Secretary of State position in your state.