The Republican Party Is At War With Us

Republican politicians and their white evangelical christian nationalist backers are at war with the rest of us.

They are at war with women. They will not stop at a national abortion pill ban. When they are done with that they will come after birth control.

They are at war with LGBTQ+ rights. When they are done with that they will come after gay marriage.

They’re coming for all non-white immigrants because if they can force American women to give birth they’ll replenish the impoverished workforce with poor people.

They’re coming for workers’ rights. Once they have their population of low-wage workers, why give them any rights?

They’re coming for education because the last thing you want is an educated workforce who know enough about history to see what they’re doing.

They’re coming for books.

They’re coming for black history.

They’re coming for Holocaust history.

They’re coming for the history of all non-white people and they’re gonna erase it from our schools.

And one thing that they will never do is protect a single child from getting slaughtered in schools. They’re gonna allow as many assault weapons to flood our society and our schools as the gun manufacturers wanna put out there.

They will tell people who can and cannot give birth.

They will tell people who can and cannot vote.

They will tell people whether they can get married or not.

They don’t care how many people die.

They’re coming for black power. They will throw black trouble-making lawmakers out of the state house. They want one party.

They are coming for our freedom and our freedom of movement.

They are coming for democratic-led states too. They don’t care If you live in a state where you have a liberal government and where you have a liberal population. They want every state to comply. They want to turn every state into a white christian nationalist state that they control.

Don’t think this won’t affect you if you’re rich and you vote republican. It will still affect you.

The solution is to vote republicans out in every single position from dog catcher, the state house, school boards, and congress, to the presidency. Republicans must be stripped of their power because they are never going to moderate.

When they lose enough elections and they lose enough power and they lose control of enough states, they will moderate. And then we will have two normal political parties again.

Democrats are not outstanding or perfect. But they’re normal and they don’t want total control over your womb. Democrats are willing to protect you from gun violence and gun death and gun massacres.

Everyone but especially young people need to register to vote and you need to vote in every election, off-year, on-year, local, state, national, all of them.

I know this is hard and it’s frustrating and it’s going to take time and it’s going to take patience and persistence. But if all the millions of young people who are angry right now register and vote, we will win.

You need to vote against republicans no matter what. Even if you like them as a person and they seem nice. Until the republican party begins to lose on an epic scale, they will be unwilling to moderate. They are captive to a base that is so extreme, that is deeply rooted in christian nationalism, that they can’t be fixed until they lose.

The Republican party is at war with the rest of us. They have embraced white christian nationalism and extremism. And the only way to fix it is if they lose.