Justin Jones and Justin Pearson are the best America has to offer. You can see the promise of America in these two. Their courage and their clarity and their ability to cut to the core of what’s going on. To stand in their truth and defy racism and speak the truth. They are awesome!
But it’s worrying to see our oppressors, the republican politicians, and their white evangelical christian nationalist backers, putting the pieces in place with all sorts of horrible bills at state and federal levels, to choke out democracy. It can be overwhelming.
It’s very difficult to see a way out of this.
Young Democrats are fighting the good fight. But it’s difficult to see that same fight, from the old guard who should be fighting like hell right now.
It’s hard to see a way around the stranglehold that republican politicians have on America. They are legislating from a position of authoritarian control and christian nationalism. They are doing this because they can see that they are fading away.
The structures of our government must listen to the will of the people. The bright spot is we can only be brave when we are scared, and we can only create freedom fighters when freedom is threatened.
We know there are good things happening. It’s just really hard to see it right now. Keep fighitng.