What Democrats Need To Realize To Beat Republicans

A chess board with a person holding a chess piece in an article about what democrats need to do to beat republicans.

Democrats need to realize they’re in a war before they can beat the Republicans.

This is a transcript from an appearance on MSNBC with Dr. Jason Johnson. This is how Democrats should be thinking and acting.

Dr. Jason Johnson:

The democrats have to recognize that they’re actually at war. It’s the old Untouchables, if they come with a knife, you gotta come with a gun. If they come with a gun, you gotta come with a canon.

The Democrats are still operating as if this is a two party system. It is not a two party system. There is no Republican Party. It is a dime storefront for a terrorist organization.

The Democrats have to stop functioning as if they are working with or trying to compete against another party

Republicans have bought the Supreme Court. The Republicans have said that they explicitly do not care about using violence to influence elections. The Republicans have consistently passed laws to make it difficult for people to vote.

Step One

Democrats have to recognize that they don’t need any sort of comedy or kindness. They need a wartime consigliere to get through this. And I don’t know if they realize that.

Step Two

Use the language of combat. Republicans have been doing it for 20 years. Say, we’re going to war against bigotry. We’re going to war against fascism. We’re going to war against the guy who tried to overthrow your country. We’re going to war against the incompetent people who run this place.

I don’t believe the rule of law is going to do anything. I don’t think it’s going to do anything fast enough, because if it was going to operate fast enough, it would have stopped people who were part of the coup attempt from getting reelected to Congress. 

We still have people who are part of that coup who now have greater access to security information in 2023 than they did before January 6, 2021.

So the Democratic Party has to function as if they are responsible for governing. They’re responsible for keeping this country safe, and they’re responsible for putting down an ongoing coup.

And until they do that, until people stop believing that the Republicans are going to reign Donald Trump in because they’re not until people stop believing that media companies are not going to use him for sort of car crash viewership, we will continue to slowly ebb towards an autocracy.