What Politics Should Be And How To Fix It

Politics and Politicians

They are not beholden to their constituents, they are beholden to the money that backs them. And that money is increasingly from small groups of right-wing billionaires supporting republican lawmakers.

Politics has become a reality TV show. Politics has become a white racial backlash and Christian nationalist takeover. Republicans have done this.

We’re not voting on massive change like we should be. Republicans don’t want to vote on meaningful policies that could help people.

Republicans and their billionaire backers are taking away our rights, like abortion, without even understanding what abortion is.

They are taking away LGBTQ+ rights, banning books, educators’ rights, BIPOC rights, and forcing their religious beliefs on everyone under the guise of what they call Christianity, but has nothing to do with Christianity. This is about greed, control, and evil. They are wanting to go back to some fictional time in their minds that never existed. This is tactical and intentional.

Republicans want us to fight on race and other issues, so we’re not fighting on class. A race war benefits rich people as they watch others, not-rich people argue and fight over race. A class war doesn’t benefit rich people because it affects their bottom line.

It’s Not A Sports Match

Republicans are trying to get everyone to think that politics is like a sports match, where you pick one team you want to win.

Politics is supposed to be the art of compromise to move the country forward based on shared goals.

We don’t have shared goals anymore because the republicans’ goal is to do nothing that the democrats want to do.

Republicans have broken our government through inaction and through brainwashing their constituents. “You gotta OWN THE LIBS!” When in reality, they own their constituents.

How To Fix It

We need to be actively engaged in our democratic system. We need to research candidates who best represent our values in order to make meaningful changes.

We need to get money out of politics. Billionaires are funding their candidates in every race and literally changing the world for the worse, for all of us. But they don’t see it that way. They WANT it that way.

It matters what we’re voting on. It matters what politicians are doing.


We need to understand that the government is here to help us. Ronald Reagan was wrong when he flippantly suggested that “government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.”

That’s what our tax money is supposed to do. Help people.