Month March 2023

Remember When Life Was A Bit Simpler?

Although republican politicians and their white evangelical christian nationalist backers have been plotting and actively destroying America and its people for decades, here’s a reminder of what existed just a few short years ago: Get an abortion or don’t. Be…

Republican States Playbook And The Court System

Here are just some of the republican-led bills that are fascist and backed by white christian evangelical nationalists: With these horrendous bills coming out of republican-led (red) states that are taking away our rights, it’s easy to not think much…

What Abortion Care Looks Like In British Columbia

British Columbia announced prescription contraception will be free for everyone starting April 1, 2023. Funding of $119,000,000 over the next three years will allow full coverage for prescription contraception. It includes oral hormone pills, contraceptive injections, intrauterine hormonal devices, subdermal…

Women’s History Month 2023

It’s March 2023 and it’s Women’s History Month. Let’s admit how difficult men have made life for women in America. 1776: Our constitution declares all men “are created equal”. And that literally means men. Women have zero say in writing, drafting,…

Acknowledging Racism. And Then What?

Racism is more than I hate you because of the color of your skin. It’s, I can create laws, policies, procedures, and systems, that can adversely affect your life, because I don’t like the color of your skin. If we…

You’re Making That Up. That’s Fantasy Stuff.

A transgender person is a kind of person who exists. That’s it. The world is full of different kinds of people having different kinds of experiences. And some of those people are transgender, and they’re real. They exist. We know…

How Republicans Abuse The Word Woke

Woke is a catchall under which you can fit the most ridiculous, insignificant story. Everything is being labeled woke by republicans to make it seem like it’s apocalyptic, dystopian destruction of humanity. Even though nothing is happening, but a reasonable…

Are You Familiar With Restorative Practices?

Restorative Practices is based on restorative justice, and restorative justice has been used in places like Rwanda, places like South Africa, not only to repair the harm that’s been done but to create an environment where people feel valued and…

Media, Hold Republican Governors Accountable

If you’re a member of the media, please step up your game. Hold our republican governors accountable for the many lies about what’s going on in America. For example, if you’re a member of the media, ask republican governors if…