Category LGBTQ+

Gender Identity: A Challenge To The Far-Right

Regarding gender identity, imagine someone walking up to you on the street and saying, “Even though you think you’re a man, you’re a woman.” Or vice versa. Sit with that for a moment. Then, they continue to tell you that…

Mom: When Your Child Grows Up To Be Gay Anyway

A middle-school boy has decided that he is bisexual, and his mom doesn’t know. He’s telling his friends that and everyone is calling him gay, which wouldn’t be an insult if parents weren’t making gay such a bad word. The…

LGBTQ Hate: Do You Have The Same Energy?

LGBTQ Hate. This is for the people who have the hate-filled energy for lashing out at companies for carrying merchandise that supports our LGBTQ+ citizens. Hate-Filled Energy Do you have the same hate-filled energy that you have for the word love,…

Stop Being Disconnected. We Are All Trans.

If you’re agnostic, don’t care, when it comes to trans issues, that needs to change immediately. Forty-three anti-trans bills have passed by 2023 with 174 left to consider. Let’s take a quick trip back to the early 20th century to…

Ranking States By Their Anti-Trans Risk

As I was reading the Erin In The Morning newsletter, it reminded me of The Green Book by Victor Green. The Green Book, aka the “Negro Motorist Green Book”, was a guide created in 1936 to help black travelers. It…

What Happens When People Are Different

The quote below is from The Canadian Museum for Human Rights article called Us vs. Them: The process of othering by Clint Curle. The article is relevant today because the United States republican politicians and their white evangelical christian nationalist…