Everyone needs to be aware of a potential new doxing threat against LGBTQ people, especially LGBTQ kids.
The tactic by white republican evangelical christians goes something like this:
One: Send an email to a school district asking for a records request for the names of any LGBTQ+ groups functioning within the district.
Two: Ask where these groups got their funding from.
Three: Ask for the names of any faculty or staff groups that might have discussed anything LGBTQ.
Four: Ask for any emails associated with those clubs sent by parents, students, or faculty.
These records could contain identifying information about parents, students, and staff. Luckily, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) exists, so they would have to require parental consent before releasing that information.
We all need to be aware that they are fishing for that information and they may be targeting school districts in blue (democratic) cities within red (republican) states.
This is one way not only to target our LGBTQ+ community but also target our public education system which they want to destroy as well. They want to do that so they can get public school funding for private schools. Which is a whole other topic that includes teaching one religion system, their religion only, oppressing marginalized people, and more.
Death to Democracy by A Thousand Cuts
And as a reminder, this is just one cut in a thousand cuts that republicans, the far-right, white Christian evangelical nationalists, are using to destroy our democracy in the United States and other countries.
When working to combat these issues, do what you can to help, but when you get overwhelmed, take a break, and take care of yourself. These people have been working on stuff like this for decades, so it might take decades to undo.
No matter what political party you’re affiliated with or none, these issues affect all people. People who are your friends and most likely in your family.
Stay strong and stay vigilant. Know who’s on your local school boards and what they stand for. Listen to your local school board meetings to find out what’s going on. Find out what groups like Moms for Liberty are up to nationally and locally. These are the groups that are destroying public education, the foundation of this country.
If you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community and need support, please reach out to The Trevor Project. You can contact them 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. It’s 100% confidential, and 100% free.