

Bill Bolmeier

Voter Suppression: How To Beat The GOP’s Tactics

Politicians lie to get into and stay in office, but Republicans have to cheat. They do that through gerrymandering and other voter suppression tactics because they know their policy positions are unpopular. As we see the rise of imposter candidates,…

Representative Government: The Ability Of The Majority

Definition time. Representative Government is a form of democracy in which people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. Recently, someone from Ohio stated, “I don’t want only people in bigger cities deciding on an issue. My town is…

Good News July 2023. What We Focus On Grows.

All the news isn’t bad—time for some good news. Let’s review some great news that happened in July 2023. The links below are to Jessica Craven’s excellent newsletter Chop Wood, Carry Water, where she lists all the good things that are happening…

Barbie Movie: Why Conservatives Hate It So Much

The Barbie movie shows us why conservatives are freaking out about it. The movie is an intense social commentary with a very pointed message. It’s the same message that conservatives freak out about. The message is that people are worth…

Antifa: How To Know If You’re A Member

There is no such thing as an organization called Antifa. If we try to browse, it currently forwards to or, which displays a funny tweet about Antifa. Antifa means anti-fascist. If you’re against fascism, you’re Antifa. As…

How To Hate Extreme Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalism is a political ideology. It’s a political ideology that has hijacked all of the language and symbols of Christianity yet somehow has absolutely nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ. They believe this is a Christian…