Caring About People Not Connected To You

All the horrible legislation sweeping the United States by republican politicians and their white evangelical christian nationalist backers is somewhat new.

It’s manufactured. It’s created on purpose. It’s not a distraction. They are mechanisms. These are the gears of a fascist machine marching into place by christian nationalists.

They don’t suddenly start rolling tanks down the street. They have to get people on board. They have to increase aggression. They have to increase fear. They have to see who will do the dirty work for them.

Caring about trans people. Caring about reproductive rights. These are not a distraction. Fighting against these issues will reduce the power structure they will need to oppress everyone.

What you need to do is start caring about issues and people that don’t seem like they’re connected to you. Anyone who is getting beat up because they are trans, you should care about. Any woman or girl who is being denied reproductive healthcare that is between them and their doctor only, you should care about.

Anything that can happen to someone that lives under the same laws as you, WILL happen to you.