Category Politics

Articles in the politics category include opinions, quotes, political news, political history and more.


This happened last week. The REPUBLICAN majority in the Mississippi State House killed every single Medicaid expansion bill without even debating it. These are bills that would’ve provided healthcare primarily to the working poor. 80% of Mississippians favor Medicaid expansion,…

What Politics Should Be And How To Fix It

Politics and Politicians They are not beholden to their constituents, they are beholden to the money that backs them. And that money is increasingly from small groups of right-wing billionaires supporting republican lawmakers. Politics has become a reality TV show.…

The Second Coup Is Under Way

The republican supreme court members have been placed there by a shadowy organization of lawyers called the Federalist Society, with an agenda that’s not good for the American people. The attempted coup that happened on January 6th, 2021 was unsuccessful.…

Do You Want to “Own The Libs!”

If you voted for republicans, is this the country you want to live in? Do you want to live in a country where school teachers are being jailed for teaching the wrong subjects according to republicans? School teachers, who could…

Does The Word Politics Disgust You?

Do you say, “I don’t wanna get involved in politics” or “I don’t wanna get political”? The fact is, everything we do is political because politics simply means how we solve problems. Politics is all about the way people solve…

Bob Dylan’s Slow Train Comin’

Released in 1979, Bob Dylan’s Slow Train Comin’ lyrics ring loudly today from the republican party and their donors. To fight them, we must stay strong, stay informed, stay engaged, and be vigilant. Full Lyrics: … Song on YouTube:

How To Get Out Of Jury Duty

Here’s a relevant response to jury duty in these times. If you put me on a jury trial, there will be a hung jury. Since the legal system isn’t able to hold criminal presidents and crimnial politicians accountable, I don’t…

What We Need To Keep Doing

Real change never comes from the top on down, not from Washington to the rest of the country. It always comes from the bottom up with millions of people at the grassroots level standing up and fighting for what we…

Do You Remember When…

In 2021, Kevin McCarthy joked about it “will be hard not to hit” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with the speaker’s gavel. What 1 billion things could he have said to NOT sow discord? Little did he know. There will come…

The A thru Z of Democratic Principles

An incredible inspiring speech by Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Leader of the 118th Congress on 1 Transcription below the video. But I also wanna make clear that we will never compromise our principles. House Democrats will always put: American values over…