Category Politics

Articles in the politics category include opinions, quotes, political news, political history and more.

Running For President While Being A Criminal

Donald Trump is running for president again, even after trying to overturn our last presidential election results. Every day that the media runs stories about him on the campaign trail is another day they’re legitimizing him. They’re normalizing him. And…

6 Books On How To Help You Understand Libertarianism

Here are six books that you need to read to understand libertarianism and be able to explain it to other people. There are no links if you click on any of these books. To purchase, consider alternatives to Amazon and Audible. Also, consider…

5 Books On The State Of American Politics [2023]

Here are five books you should not read unless you want to understand the current (2023) American politics. There are no links if you click on any of these books. To purchase, consider alternatives to Amazon and Audible. Also, consider ordering from bookstores owned…

The Urgent Need to Defend Societal Institutions

Institutions are pillars that maintain fairness and decency in our society. They range from: And there’s plenty more. These institutions need our protection, just as we depend on them to maintain order and fairness. You must pick at least one…

The Dark Side Of The Electoral College

The Electoral College is racist. And that should be no surprise to anyone who knows the actual history of our country. When the Founding Fathers of the United States thought about how to pick the President, they suggested that everyone should…

How To Keep Up With Shameful Legislation

It’s a really scary time for the trans community and this may not offer much comfort. And on the side of DON’T GIVE UP!, a lot of these bills are not being voted on by their state legislatures, let alone…

The U.S. Is A Constitutional Republic Right?

No. Conservatives like to say that the United States is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Here’s what they mean: It’s an excuse for conservatives to install people who they want in power, in power.

What Republicans Really Mean When They Say…

Above is a portion of a 2023 bill that South Carolina republicans are debating about the death penalty for women having an abortion. This is how you read bills that republican lawmakers are trying to pass. When they say Abortion…

What We Focus On Grows

Here’s a partial reprint of Jessica Cravens’s incredible newsletter Chop Wood, Carry Water. Good news all around so I thought I’d reprint some of it here. Make sure you subscribe to her newsletter to get the rest, it’s way worth…