Communism: We All Would Be Better Off

People holding a sign in an article on communism. The sign says, what lessens one of us, lessens all of us.

What is the evidence that communism is a better form of government than what we currently have?

Communism is a threat to capitalism. We live in a capitalist, imperialist society.

Capitalism and Imperialism

Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, while imperialism is a political system based on one country’s domination by another. They can exist independently of each other, and they can also be combined.

In an imperialist system, one country (the imperial power) exerts political and economic control over another country (the colony). The imperial power may do this through military force, economic coercion, or political influence. The goal of imperialism is to exploit the colony’s resources and labor for the benefit of the imperial power.

America’s Political SystemCommunism
-Individual Freedom-Potential for Greater Equality
-Economic Liveliness-Potential for Economic Security
-Political Stability-Potential for Environmental Protection
-Economic Inequality -Lack of Individual Freedom
-Political Corrumption-Economic Inefficiency
-Human Rights Abuses-Bureaucracy

Today’s World

In today’s world, we have to produce food, clothing, shelter, and new generations. In today’s world, there’s no scarcity. There’s enough to meet the needs of everyone. To feed, clothe, shelter, and have an enriched cultural and social life for everybody. However, that is not happening now and never has for a lot of us. As the top 1% accumulate more and more, the gap grows wider and wider.

Billions of people around the world work. Transportation, communication, technology, and other means of production. What these people produce is privately owned by capitalists. Enforced by a capitalist-imperialist system and backed by laws that are enforced by armies and police. So the capitalist-imperialist have the abundance.

The Change We Need

By implementing a different and more radical system, you unleash the rewards of production, the stuff that people produce, towards meeting people’s needs, not just the capitalist. It would be a system that is based on social production for the well-being of society and the world.

With all the riches and power in America, there seems to be a solution somewhere in all these systems. As a society, we need to undo the stigma people have for the word communism, as well as socialism, and think about taking the best of these systems to make the change we want and need. Always keeping in mind that the capitalists in the room do not want change. They want us to fear the words socialism and communism.

It will take a significant change.