Gender Expression: A Global Perspective on Fluidity

An image of two hand-drawn people holding each other in an article about gender expression.

Gender expression. The next time you find yourself in a discussion or a disagreement about gender, ask that person what makes a person masculine. What makes a person feminine?

What are the characteristics, behaviors, and traits that are masculine? The characteristics, behaviors, and traits that are feminine? People will always disagree about these questions.

If you love cuddling, is cuddling masculine? Is cuddling feminine?

Gender is an artificial social construct.

It’s not the same as sex. If you’re born a woman, there are certain things that only a woman will experience. A menstrual cycle. The ability to give birth. Producing far more amounts of estrogen than a man.

Other than that, what makes a person masculine and a person feminine is an artificial social construct.

There are entire countries in the world with three or even more genders.

Why Is Gender Not The Same As Sex

Because it’s an artificial social construct.

It’s the way in which we express the sex that we are born with, but it’s never going to be the same between two people.

Gender is not the same wherever we go in the world.

At, you can type in and search for gender around the world, and a map will appear.

You can click on different areas and learn about how gender is expressed in one society and another. It’s always different.

It will never be the same because you and I will never agree on what makes a person masculine and feminine.

At the end of the day, what we should always do is, when we meet another person, get to know them for who they say they are.

There’s no need to argue about gender anymore because it’s an artificial social construct.

That means you and I continue to create its meeting right here and right now.