Blocking Military Leadership: How To Put America At Risk

There’s a Republican Senator from Alabama who disagrees with the military’s policy on abortion, effectively blocking military leadership. He has blocked the nomination of every single general and admiral in the military. That means the entire top leadership of the…

Mom: When Your Child Grows Up To Be Gay Anyway

A middle-school boy has decided that he is bisexual, and his mom doesn’t know. He’s telling his friends that and everyone is calling him gay, which wouldn’t be an insult if parents weren’t making gay such a bad word. The…

Greg Abbott: Send Them Back To The Rio Grande

Republican Governor Greg Abbott. This is devastating news. It’s inhumane and barbaric. Someone helping the Texas troopers down by the Rio Grande wrote an email of protest about the conditions he has seen. These are conditions brought about by Greg…

Overseas Voting: Get The Word Out Now!

Overseas voting. According to the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), there are approximately 2.9 million US citizens living abroad are not registered to vote. Almost all of them, 76%, would vote Democrat if they were registered. That is 2,204,000 Democratic…

The Republican Party: People Will Believe Anything

Today’s Republican Party is no longer a viable political movement in our country. They have become a criminal organization filled with domestic terrorists. I’m including their conservative, evangelical, cultural Christian billionaire backers in this, too, since they are the real…

Republican Legislation Is Now A Detriment To Our Health

We live in an era where Republican legislation has become a social determinant of health. We’re also living in a time when we have amazing science that has lengthened our lives. Science has improved the quality of our lives, especially…

Using A Wedge Issue To Beat Racism

To hide behind racism, Florida Republicans passed American Asian Pacific Islander (AAPI) History in May 2023. Yes, that Florida, where the Governor signed a ban on African American history and Critical Race Theory. It makes sense, though, in the context…

Education: We Need to Elect Politicians Who Care

The Biden administration is providing more Pell Grants for incarcerated people’s education so they can get a college degree. That is a good thing. You educate incarcerated people, and the chances of them going out and having a successful life…