Democrats New Messaging: Rights, Parents, Corruption

Based on the election results from November 7th, 2023, Democrats new messaging should focus on these key messages. Stand Up For Women’s Rights Abortion is a winning issue for Democrats. Solid Red Ohio, adding the right to an abortion to…

Taylor Swift Effect: A New Wave of Democratic Voters

The Taylor Swift effect. After watching Democrats win big in Virginia and elsewhere on 11/7/2023, Taylor Swift will come out in the 2024 presidential election just like she did for Virginia, and she will mobilize her fans. But let’s step…

Participatory Democracy: What Do We Do Now?

Participatory Democracy. So what do we do now? Many people ask this question when responding to the unacceptable policies that Republicans are putting forth. The answer is: We do more of what we’re doing now. For too long, too many…

Time For Peace: A Call To Israel’s Leaders

Time for peace. What now, Israel? And by Israel, I don’t mean the vast majority of the beautiful human beings who call themselves Israelis. I’m talking about the Israeli government: All those in Israel responsible for making policy decisions. What…

The Humanism Scale: Rating Your Perspective on Life

Here are four honest questions about humanism that emphasize the value of human beings, individually and collectively. The belief is that we can control our thinking, behavior, and actions. First Question: On a scale of one to ten, how much…

Digital Security At Protests: 25 Things To Consider

Digital security at protests. The way to be secure is constantly changing. It’s essential to stay informed on your digital security at protests. These tips are not exhaustive, but even if you can do some, it’s better than none. Stay…

Political Division: The Tactic Of Sowing Discord

Political division. Dividing a nation, sowing discord, and getting people on all sides to hate each other is an authoritarian tactic. It is a strategy. What’s going on right now is done on purpose. There’s a study where people on…

The Inflation Reduction Act: Big Wins For Health Care

There’s some fascinating new polling out about the health care provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act. You may ask, what health care provisions? I thought the Inflation Reduction Act was all about climate. But no, it also contained robust provisions…