Patriarchy: How Women Challenge The Foundations

In an article about patriarchy, this is a photo of a crowd marching with a sign that says, "it's time for the fall of the patriarchy."

Patriarchy. Patriarchal structures need to perpetuate their institutions through the oppression of others.

Understand that the perpetuation of the institution relies on the oppression of human rights.

People cannot escalate up the power structure. Who’s going to do the work?

The best way to keep women powerless is to ensure they are not free to decide over their bodies.

Christianity is a hierarchical, patriarchal structure.

The Church Operates Like Big Pharma

Big Pharma needs a certain amount of people to stay sick to continue making money.

A lot of women are removing their membership from the church.

They’re also not bringing their children, who will be the church’s future generation of tithers, to the church.

It is way easier to indoctrinate a child than an adult through christenings, baptisms, and dedicating your entire life to the Lord at ten years old.

You are now indoctrinating children to worship the church and give money to the church.

In that community, you model for kids to follow authority without question. To be submissive and obedient. To stay pure and innocent.

The Church Is A Perfect Hunting Ground

And whether we like to admit it or not, the church hides predators and protects predators.

Predators and the church have a mutual understanding. The predator gets some authority in the church and an endless supply of victims.

After that, the church now gets an endless supply of sick people they can convince that they need to do better because of what happened to them.

Women are finding community outside of the watchful eye of churchmen. It messes with the church’s current money and the church’s future money by way of children.

Where Else Can They Find Children?

If women are not bringing their kids to church, where else can you find a group of children? Public schools.

And who wants to infiltrate public education with biblical instruction? The extremist Christians entrenched in the Republican Party support Christian nationalism.

The only way that white Christian men continue the patriarchy is if they continue to oppress human rights.

To perpetuate the system that keeps them in power. And the only way the church survives is its proximity to that power.

Stay awake. Use your voice and vote.