Stop Being Disconnected. We Are All Trans.

If you’re agnostic, don’t care, when it comes to trans issues, that needs to change immediately.

Forty-three anti-trans bills have passed by 2023 with 174 left to consider.

Let’s take a quick trip back to the early 20th century to a guy named Magnus Hirschfeld. Hirschfeld was a German who recommended the first gender reassignment surgery and did decades’ worth of research. The institute that he founded employed trans people and was a safe haven for gender care. But as the 1920s began, anti-LGBT rhetoric in Germany started to ramp up, he became a target.

Hirschfeld was almost beaten to death in 1920. Then by the time Hitler came to power in 1933, LGBT people were one of the Nazi’s first targets. Hitler took power in January of 1933 and by May, Hirschfeld’s institute was completely destroyed by a mob of Nazis. The first person to transition, Dora Richter, was killed. The Nazi mob accused the institute of being Jewish swine, which was sort of an umbrella term to lump together all of the Nazi targets. No doubt it has an aura of anti-wokeness.

Fast forward to 2023:

  • 29% of trans people live in poverty.
  • 47% have been SA’d, 10% in the last year, and 61% of those with a disability.
  • 65% have experienced homelessness.
  • 82% have considered suicide and 40% have attempted.

As sad as these things are, early intervention has proven successful. Youth gender-affirming health care is simply meant to solve these problems.

When these kids get the bare minimum and that is their family accepting who they are, suicidal thoughts drop by 52% and attempts by 46%.

Yet only 27% say their family is supportive. And of those that have received care, only 8% have de-transitioned in some way. Of those, 62% was because of outside pressure. Zero prepubescent kids are getting surgery. And hormone therapy isn’t even considered until the age of 16. The overwhelming majority of these amazing kids are simply getting therapy.

Besides whatever trope they use from the bible, the reason republican politicians and their white christian nationalists, and billionaire backers are jumping at the bit to persecute these kids, is that most people are agnostic on the issue, they don’t care.

In many ways, the trans community is the first target of MAGA fascism. We know what comes after that. It’s time to hold the line. We are all trans.