The theology for christian nationalism is dominion theology. This theology states that a nation should be run by christians, specifically white able-bodied cisgender christian males.
These churches brand themselves as the modern church. They have rock bands, smoke machines, pastors in jeans, and anything else that keeps people excited and coming back. They’re sometimes called the Hillsong branded churches. They’ll brand themselves with a little bit of a modern tilt by calling themselves non-denominational. However, they are evangelical fundamentalist churches and some of them are also Pentecostal or charismatic churches.
What most of these churches have in common, but they do not speak about, is their belief in the seven mountains mandate. This is the belief that in order for a christian church to be most effective, it must have influence in the seven spheres of society.
What Do They Believe?
They believe it is their god-given right to force their beliefs on others because that will hasten the kingdom of god and jesus will return to earth. They believe that those who are outside of their belief system are fallen. Which also means they can treat the fallen how they want. Even using deception, manipulation, force, and unfair laws. Like your seeing now in republican-led states.
Not only will they weaponize scripture to force people to their belief system, but they will also align with corrupt politicians in order to bring forth the seven mountains mandate. Corrupt politicians don’t have to believe any of this. They wanna stay in power to protect the patriarchy. Christian nationalists want power so that dominion theology runs the country.
This has been planned for years. You see it in state laws as well as the corruption in our legal system.
Christian Nationalist Leaders
- David Barton. Historian David Barton promotes America’s christian heritage through books and speeches.
- Lance Wallnau. Champions the Seven Mountains mandate urging christians to impact society sectors.
- C. Peter Wagner. He was a founder of the New Apostolic Reformation and emphasized modern-day apostles and prophets.
- Bill Johnson. Key figure in the New Apostolic Reformation and influences many believers.
- Paula White. Former MAGA president’s spiritual advisor and she’s a vocal advocate for christian nationalism.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr. Liberty University’s ex-president and pushed for christian values in politics and education.
- Franklin Graham. Billy Graham’s son. He supports christian nationalism and mobilizes evangelicals politically.
- James Dobson. Founder of focus on the family. He has shaped the political landscape with conservative christian values.
- Cindy Jacobs. She’s a new apostolic reformation prophet and she rallies christians for prayer and political action.
- Lou Engel. He’s the founder of The Call and promotes christian values in politics and society through prayer and fasting.
- Pat Robertson. Televangelist founded the Christian Broadcasting Network and has been a prominent christian conservative voice.
- Tony Perkins. Tony Perkins is the president of the Family Research Council and actively lobbies and promotes christian values in American politics.
- Ralph Reed. He was the founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition and has been a key player in mobilizing christian voices.
- Mike Bickle. He is the International House of Prayer founder and is an influential figure in the charismatic christian movement.
- Jim Baker. He was once a famous televangelist and now he uses platforms to advocate for christian nationalism and conservative values.
- Robert Jeffress. He’s an influential christian nationalist who advised the former MAGA president on faith-related matters.
- Rodney Howard-Brown. He’s a charismatic pastor and has been very influential in promoting christian nationalism and conservative policies.
- D. James Kennedy. He is the late founder of Coral Ridge Ministries, and he was an influential christian conservative leader.
- Jack Hibbs. He’s the pastor of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, and he advocates for christian conservative values and engages with political issues.
- Dutch Sheets. He’s a New Apostolic Reformation leader, and he’s known for the intercessory prayer movement and advocacy for christian values in politics.
Those are some of the significant leaders in christian nationalism. There are plenty more.