White Christian nationalism is a political movement that opposes democracy. It is deeply tied to specific racial and religious beliefs.
This movement that’s taking place in the United States is part of a rise in authoritarianism that’s happening all across the globe.
US-based white Christian nationalism has unique characteristics that we should be aware of.
This movement hijacks Christian theological frameworks. It preserves white Christian supremacy with rigid definitions of gender and family.
Goals Of White Christian Nationalism:
- The erasure of the separation between church and state.
- Never let go of power and control for white Christians in the United States.
- Continue the myth of American exceptionalism. That real Americans are descendants of white Europeans.
- The maintenance of the economy to maintain wealth and ongoing resource hoarding for a small group of white Christians.
- A justified use of violence to protect the nation from others. They, of course, are the ones who get to define who “others” are.
This creates a worldview that allows more and more of these beliefs to be revealed to the world.
White Christian Nationalists Believe:
- A belief that white Christians are the victims now.
- A belief system that opposes anti-black, anti-indigenous, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-Muslim beliefs.
- That waves of black and brown immigrants are overtaking the United States. They identify it as the “great replacement” theory.
- The United States should be governed through the lens of Christian values. As defined by a specific group of white Christian nationalists.
White Christian nationalism, in many ways, is linked to the foundation and formation of this country. It is as old as this country has been. It’s embedded. And at the same time, there is something modern.
It is because of the demographic shift that’s happening where white Christians are no longer a majority. They have now chosen to aggressively replace democracy. To replace democracy with an authoritarian mechanism as the primary method to stay in power.
And that through doing this, it allows them to define and create revisionist history. This is a fight for who we are becoming as a country. Who is American? What is the United States? Who belongs, and who gets in?
The Time We’re In
For almost 80 years, Christians noticed fewer people joining their churches. That is why they started to utilize the Seven Mountains Mandate to have Christian influence in all aspects of American life.
You need to share this information with your family and friends. Everyone needs to understand that the roots of Christian nationalism go very deep. It’s very dangerous because we now see a group of people who are not only NOT afraid to wield their power using religion. They’re not afraid to use illegal means to do so.
They believe they can hasten the second coming of the kingdom and Jesus. They believe this by forcing what they think are the end times.
Not all Christians who support Christian nationalism even care about that. They are here for the power. That’s why it’s crucial to stay informed and educated. Most of their work is at the state level. That’s where they are trying to suppress people’s rights to vote.
Stay awake. Use your voice. Plan to vote and get the message out to as many people as possible because Christian nationalism threatens our democracy.