Month April 2023

We Have The Best Of America To Make Change

Justin Jones and Justin Pearson are the best America has to offer. You can see the promise of America in these two. Their courage and their clarity and their ability to cut to the core of what’s going on. To…

5 Books On Christian Nationalism

Here are five books to help you better understand christian nationalism and school privatization. There are no links if you click on any of these books. To purchase, consider alternatives to Amazon and Audible. Also, consider ordering from bookstores owned by people of color.…

How To Fight Your School And Local Media Ban

Books are being banned. Films are being banned. The Ruby Bridges film in a Florida school was pulled after just one parent complained that it might teach kids that “white people hate black people.” So what do we do about…

They Are Counting On Us To Snitch

It’s happening. Here’s the result of snitching the republican politicians and their white evangelical christian nationalist backers are counting on. You can read more about Rebeka Jones here and her ongoing harassment and flex by the Governor of Florida. But…

Top Christian Nationalists Shaping Society

The theology for christian nationalism is dominion theology. This theology states that a nation should be run by christians, specifically white able-bodied cisgender christian males. These churches brand themselves as the modern church. They have rock bands, smoke machines, pastors…

Democracy Was Never For The People

We need to redefine democracy for us. In Tennessee, after another school shooting, we are seeing exactly what the institutions of the state do. It upholds the foundation of the state and not the people who make up the state.…

That Happened So Long Ago. Let It Go.

Knowing history is essential to understanding current systems of oppression. I do agree, certain things happened so long ago that we need to let go of them so we can progress and move on. For example: What happened to the…

What Happens When People Are Different

The quote below is from The Canadian Museum for Human Rights article called Us vs. Them: The process of othering by Clint Curle. The article is relevant today because the United States republican politicians and their white evangelical christian nationalist…