

Bill Bolmeier

Republicans Are Banning Everything

By banning abortions in red states, those states are going to create a bottleneck of OBGYNS. Because they won’t be able to get residencies in red states. If people can’t finish their OBGYN residency, those states will end up with…

The U.S. Is A Constitutional Republic Right?

No. Conservatives like to say that the United States is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Here’s what they mean: It’s an excuse for conservatives to install people who they want in power, in power.

Republicans Said They Wouldn’t Punish Women

For years, republicans have said they would never arrest or target or prosecute women for abortion. We knew it was a lie because they were doing that. They were arresting and prosecuting women for abortion even before Roe was overturned.…

Teachers Teach. They Don’t Indoctrinate.

As republican politicians across the United States ban books and dictate how and what teachers are going to teach, teachers are being vilified as indoctrinating students. It’s not the public school teacher’s job to tell their students what to think.…

Neighborhoods and Policing

We view neighborhoods with high rates of illegal behavior as dangerous or high crime. But what if we started to frame these communities as high need? Every action is a reaction to something else. It doesn’t justify or excuse the…

Pushing Back on LGBTQ+ Hate

The verbal and physical attacks on our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters are increasing. The thugs doing this are encouraged by republican politicians. These politicians are pushing anti-LGBTQ+ bills across the country. For example, in 2022, 315 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were introduced,…

Flipping A State From Red To Blue

What happens when a state flips from red (republican) to blue (democrat)? Let’s take a look at Minnesota. In 2022, Minnesota flipped the state legislature from republican control to democratic control. In the chamber, two seats flipped by the slimmest…

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Here’s an excerpt from George Carlin on religion. “Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list…

What Republicans Really Mean When They Say…

Above is a portion of a 2023 bill that South Carolina republicans are debating about the death penalty for women having an abortion. This is how you read bills that republican lawmakers are trying to pass. When they say Abortion…

What Can We Do To Stop Abortion Bans?

Here are some tips from Jessica Valenti who writes about abortion every day. Most Americans don’t actually know what republican legislatures are up to. We get numb to how horrible republican lawmakers are trying to pass abortion bills. Our job…