Category Fascism

Multiculturalism Is The Change They Don’t Like

One of the myths that people say is, “The right is turning to fascism”. However, it’s not the right that’s changing, it’s everyone else who is changing. When we look at our history from a multicultural perspective, we understand that…

Being Responsible To The Community

In his book The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Wilhelm Reich wrote about how fascism came to power in Germany prior to World War II. There’s a lot in this book that’s terrifyingly relevant, but on this point precisely, he says:…

The Good And Bad About Banned Books

Bans are censorship. It’s not a slippery slope. It’s happening in a lot of places. And it’s two-sided. One of them is promising and one of them is worrying. The worrying part is that there are republicans and people like…

There’s Only One Pro-American Choice

What do you call it when a Governor demands that businesses, including the most important ones in the state, get in line behind a political agenda? What do you call it when the leader of a government says, there will…

They Are Counting On Us To Snitch

It’s happening. Here’s the result of snitching the republican politicians and their white evangelical christian nationalist backers are counting on. You can read more about Rebeka Jones here and her ongoing harassment and flex by the Governor of Florida. But…

Here’s Why You Need To Vote For Democrats

Here’s what’s happening in America 2023 and why you should be concerned AND get involved with fighting back to the best of your ability. Everyone can do something and everyone has their limits. So acknowledge yours and ultimately take care…

Republican Politicians. First They Came.

With all the extreme republican bills that continue to oppress the American people and degrade the United States, this poem is still relevant in 2023 as it was in 1946. It’s about the silence from all of us, just like…

We’re a Culture Drunk On Faith Over Reason

Until we can take religion off the no-talk list, we’re going to continue to have issues. The role of religion is playing out in politics today. Remember the role of religion and what happened in Germany? The role of religion…

It’s Up To Us To Hold The Line

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. –Wikipedia In America, the furthest left we can comfortably talk about in public is socialism. Globally, there’s a lot further to the left we…

The 14 Characteristics of Fascism

Here are the 14 characteristics of fascism as it applies to the American republican party today. One: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism. A cornerstone of the right wing. Two: Disdain for Human Rights. A cornerstone of the right wing. Three: Identification…